Thursday, March 5, 2009

women and the crazy waves

I wish I read more books. Well, I grew up reading Enid Blytons and later some Virginia Andrews and also some other random ones. But somehow, the habit didn't really stick. Lately, after much urging by my close girlfriend, I picked up some relationship self-help book. And there was some mention about women are like waves. I dare say about 70% of that chapter seems kind of true and easy to relate. However, I never thought that I am that typical woman. I knew what kind of woman I have evolved into over the years. I know my character and who I am, but I never thought I was typical. I guess, perhaps, women are just simply women.

The 'waves' chapter explained almost in details why women get emotional, how do they get emotional and how can men cope with these semi-predictable currents. In short, it's PMS. Okay, I was told that is just a woman's excuse to be emotional, irrational and let fly. But really, it is scientifically proven that hormonal changes do bring about a ride in emotions and trigger that lack of control over oneself (*i think). So if it is how God made us womankind, then so be it. Men will just have to accept it and learn to cope, or simply, turn gay.

Perhaps the keywords here are not 'going crazy', but more 'losing control'. Control, my friends, is priceless, like faith and love and everything else money can't buy. Having control is knowing we will not spiral down that emotional rollercoaster and get crazily upset over something that is probably nothing. Even when the times we do slide down that channel, we cry a little, bitch a little and bounce right back up, because we know we will have things under control. Work, money, friends, family, dinners, after-dinner drinks, weekends - everything IS under control. Now when everything is sort of less crazy, we suddenly feel like we are now ready to have that relationship - the serious, mature and real relationship. Gone are the days when we were seventeen and screaming our heads off at the then imbecile ex-boyfriends. A relationship now will be great because we have matured, grown and are in control.

But the fact is, (*I hate to say this), it's all bullshit. We still lose our damn control. Emotions can and will spiral into the depths of middle Earth, regardless if we are seventeen or twenty eight. Okay fine! thirty... The only difference is we are older, or shall i say more financially independent, and accumulated some fair share of life experiences in forms of, perhaps, men, blemishes and wrinkles (which, thankfully the latter two, money can fix.)

The worst part is we can't choose to NOT lose control. It just happens, and in those moments we just can't seem to disallow it. Maybe a relationship in itself is about losing part of that control, because a portion of our lives, no matter how big or small, is in someone else's hands. And that someone else can at times be insensitive, indifferent, inexpressive and unreadable. Hell, no wonder womenfolk loses control (*breathes in). Only God knows why we women, among the tears and heartaches, still adores them men. They make us lose our sanity but yet they fill a void in our lives. I guess at thirty.. (*ugh) one, we still lose it sometimes - but at least we know it is okay. We know it is the crazy emotions talking and it is not personal. We bawl our eyes out in the shower and cry ourselves to sleep, and we know elderflower gel will be our new best friend the next morning. We fall into this painful pit but we know we can pick ourselves up again. Gone is that seventeen year old girl who when she loses it, loses everything. It's almost like the end of life and the concept of 'tomorrow' seemed impossible to fathom.

So perhaps losing control at thirty one is okay, and to our dear female-loving male species, there will be a tomorrow for us and our 'waves', because women are simple creatures. All we need is a loving bear hug and a gentle kiss on our foreheads, and for you to be thankful we aren't seventeen and hell crazy.

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